Rabu, 03 September 2014

obat pelangsing tubuh abc acai berry

Kali ini kami akan membahas mengenai obat pelangsing tubuh abc acai berry yang mana obat diet ini sangatlah booming ditengah-tengah masyarakat dikarnakan khasiatnya yang sangat luar biasa yang mampu menurunkan berat badan hingga 10kg perbulannya. obat pelangsing ini sangatlah aman untuk dikonsumsi yang terhindar dari efek samping.

Berikut merupakan salah satu bahan dari ABC Acai Berry obat penurun berat badan :

Chitosan merupakan zat yang terkandung dalam kulit udang dan cangkang kepiting, berfungsi mengikat kolesterol dalam getah empedu. Selain membuang lemak, chitosan juga berkhasiat untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, mencegah berkembangnya sel kanker, memperkuat fungsi hati, dan memusnahkan racun.

Teh Hijau
green tea atau Teh hijau dikenal juga sebagai sumber antioksidan. Di dalamnya juga terkandung zat-zat bermanfaat lainnya seperti epicatechins, catechin, dan thearubigins. Selain bermanfaat menangkal radikal bebas dan meremajakan kulit, teh hijau juga berfungsi untuk mengontrol berat badan, serta menghambat dan mencegah pertumbuhan sel-sel kanker.

Serat Makanan
Serat makanan atau dietary fiber umumnya ditemui dalam buah-buahan dan khususnya sayur-sayuran. Seseorang dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi setidaknya 25 gram serat makanan dalam satu hari. Namun karena pola hidup yang tidak sehat, kita cenderung melupakan hal tersebut. Untuk menjaga keseimbangan nutrisi, ABC Acai Berry juga dilengkapi oleh dietary fiber. Serat makanan berfungsi untuk mengatur kadar gula darah serta menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL) dalam darah.

Itulah sedikit informasi mengenai ABC Acai Berry yang ampuh akan khasiatnya, dan jangan lupa kunjungi juga artikel lainnya. okeeee????

sumber : http://apasaja-goblog.blogspot.com/2014/09/obat-pelangsing-tubuh-abc-acai-berry.html

Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking Obat Peninggi Badan

In this world there are no advantages and drawbacks of each thing which we will do. Just as if we want to do business elevate our bodies. Many ways that we can do to get the maximum results. Well, of the way we want to do that of course there are drawbacks and advantages as well. One is mengkonsumsiv obat improvement body. Obat Peninggi Badan is a solution for us who want to do business in ways that elevate the body quickly. Well, this article will discuss the advantages of the drug to elevate the body. But besides that also will discuss the shortcomings of the drug are arguably much more potent than other natural means. Here's his review:

In our lives, most people are right to determine ourselves so ourselves. Indeed, all the criticisms and suggestions of people we really need to all the best for ourselves. Well, as well as selecting the drug improvement body to support us in the effort elevate the body. We certainly can determine which drugs are better improvement body and not from the person who asked the experts right? To Hankey takes suggestions from others. The advantages of Obat Peninggi Badan melambung.net for us lay people can gain from information specialists. The main advantages include that the results obtained are certainly faster than the natural way. And also we do not need a heavy-weight business such as sports and so on. Especially for us who belong busy and do not have much time.

In addition to the Obat Peninggi Badan because it is very easy to just follow the consumption patterns of activity we just eat and rest. Besides these drugs are very easily found at a nearby pharmacy. Now, however, reversed the improvement body medicine has its drawbacks. Shortage of drugs improvement body include drug name alone certainly in the long run is not good for the body. Moreover, if we have long consumed drugs of course it will accumulate in our bodies. To vital organs such as the heart and kidneys will get a bad impact. Well, in addition to the usual drugs like it can create dependency because if we want to be much higher or feel is not high enough to cause us to continue to want to consume it without interspersed with sufficient exercise. Outcome even we are sick, is not it?

Another downside is that we are so lazy to exercise as well as our increased spending to buy drugs improvement body which is relatively expensive. Well, that's some advantages and disadvantages of drug improvement body. Maybe we can still take it home to be punctuated by consuming milk, fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables and a balanced exercise.